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I've got a brand new site on Facebook where you can stay in-touch, keep up with my latest work and interact with other who like action/adventure/thriller stories.

I'm also interested in several social and economic issues that affect the lives of Africans and write about that on my Facebook pages.  We can't ignore these issues any longer because the world has become "smaller" and what affects people in the back country of Africa also affects us in the western world, now.  By paying attention to the issues, we are not only helping them: we discover that we are looking out for our own interests.

Come on over for a visit!

The Dark Continent Chronicles: Kindle & Paperback NOW!


A Reader Comments on The Honeyguide

"Got the book yesterday and read it all night. Couldn't put it down. 

It is so incredibly current (Boston terrorist attack) and is neatly and tightly written. Although I love your detailed descriptions of Africa in the other two books, I am partial to this one because it brings home the Chinese/Middle Eastern threat.  

As Americans we are all dreading the time when the US will be hit with a nuclear attack from some rogue 3rd world country that has managed to arm itself. 

I love your descriptions of what you know........Africa, New York, Miami, Key West, boats, planes, guns, the stock market and the marriage of Helen and Rigby. 

You know marriage (that dialogue is very authentic). Keep writing about what you know.  I love to learn when I read and your books expand my frame of reference. 

You just have to continue on with Sean, Chang and Rigby. Keep on writing! This book would make a great movie. 

Love the book!


The Honeyguide by James Gardner is Available in Paperback and Kindle!


New Book Announcement!

Pennington Publishers is proud to announce the third book in James Gardner's thrilling adventure series, The Dark Continent Chronicles, The Honeyguide!

Rugged hero Rigby Croxford returns in a story that sweeps him away from his home in Africa and across the globe in a race against time and a twisted enemy who would sell America out in an explosive bid to make his country the only remaining superpower. 

Rigby Croxford’s introduction to the United States proves to be more perilous than anything he faced in Africa. His efforts to defend his famous brother-in- law, a television newscaster, from a sex scandal puts him at odds with men bent on destroying America.

Don't miss this edge-of-your-seat thrill ride in paperback and on Kindle!