James Gardner's writing style has been compared to the intense and popular writing style of influential American author Dashiell Hammett, whose writings include The Maltese Falcon (and character Sam Spade), The Thin Man, and Red Harvest.
James Edstrom of Times Square Gossip says of James Gardner's writing, "Gardner’s story telling approach follows in the path of Dashiell Hammett. “Life is disposable; the Land is beautiful and the search is fatal.”
Gardner's The Lion Killer is an adventure thriller that takes the reader on hard twists and turns through the minds of desperate people in desperate situations where money, avarice, lust, passion, romance and deep-seated, disturbed thinking propel the characters through this jaw-dropping adventure. Gardner's extensive personal experiences in Africa and intimate knowledge of its people people fuel the personalities and the action in this great read.
Watch The Lion Killer book trailer at www.thelionkiller.net and on Youtube.